The Council of Danish Artists (da: Dansk Kunstnerråd) is an umbrella-organization for professional artists’ organizations in Denmark. It was established in 1971 and works to strengthen the position of art and artists in all areas of society.

The Council of Danish Artists: Debating cultural policy, 2022.
The Council of Danish Artists has 23 member-organizations (2024), representing more than 20.000 professional artists and other professionals working in the cultural sector in Denmark. Its member-organizations cover all artforms: Music, visual arts, performing arts, design, literature, film/tv and a wide range of other artistic expressions.
Mission and work
The purpose of the Council of Danish Artists is to safeguard the cultural and political position of art and to strengthen the role of professional artists in society, including working for the interests of professional artists in a political, legal, economic and social context.
Thus, the Council of Danish Artists engages with politicians and authorities in the field of culture and is continually engaging in dialogue with the Danish Parliament, Government and Ministry of Culture about legislation and new initiatives concerning artists’ working conditions and -rights.
The Council is also represented in various councils and committees, concerned with eg. copyright-issues, as well as it is actively voicing the need to protect freedom of artistic expression in Denmark and internationally.
Data, debate, and projects
The Council works to create more databased knowledge about the conditions and overall value of artistic work: In 20223 it collaborates with Statistics Denmark (Danmarks Statistik) in a large scale data project, mapping the social and economic conditions of artists on a yearly basis: Kunstnere I Tal.
The Council regularly develops art projects and initiates collaborations with regional and local authorities and institutions, such as hospitals and schools. Every year the Council publishes Kunstnernes Beskatning, a tax-guide focused specifically on taxation-rules artists and small artistic businesses are working under.
To create new knowledge and more visibility about the role of art and the working conditions of artists, the Council arranges public meetings about cultural policy and participates actively in public debate.

The Council of Danish Artists annual meeting 2024. Photo: DKR.
The Council Meeting is the Council of Danish Artists’ highest decision-making authority. 1 representative from each member organization participates in the annual Council Meeting. The chairperson and board of directors are elected by the Council, which also appoints committees and working groups as necessary.
The Council of Danish Artists is financed via fees from its member-organizations, contributions from the Ministry of Culture, and other sponsors. It has a small-scale secretariat consisting of 1-2 employees. The Council of Danish Artists collaborates with similar organizations in other countries, e.g. within the framework of the Nordic artists’ councils.
Contact the Council of Danish Artists:
Dansk Kunstnerråd
Hillerødgade 30a 1. sal
2200 Nørrebro
+45 21 34 00 00